After both a wet and cool summer expect steelhead to begin
staging along the Lake Erie tributary shoreline (near the tributary mouth’s) as
daylight periods become less and lakeshore temperatures drop to 68 degrees F
(earlier staging should occur this fall due to lower than average spring/summer lake temperatures). Run-off from cool fall rains in September (ideally 54 degrees or less) will
initiate the first steelhead runs of the season up the tributaries.
Limited run-off in a dry fall will restrict the numbers and
distance steelhead will "run" the tributaries (particularly since there are
no minimum dam release flows on the Erie
tribs). Remnants of fall hurricanes traveling up the east coast can provide a
tremendous amount of precipitation and tributary run-off and are a boom for
fall Lake Erie steelhead fishing.
The New York Department of Environmental Conservations (NYDEC) has reported that offshore boat anglers in August (in the Western NY waters of Lake Erie) have been catching coho salmon. The NYDEC is unsure of their origin (possilbly a wild source and/or transients from Lake Huron since they have not been stocked in Lake Erie since 1997). Based on these catches, steelhead tributary anglers should expect some coho showing up this fall as well as lake-run brown trout (which are stocked by both the PA and NY fishery departments). The NYDEC also reports that some steelhead have already entered Cattaraugus Creek in August. No doubt a result of August's cool temperatures and run-off from a rainy month.
The New York Department of Environmental Conservations (NYDEC) has reported that offshore boat anglers in August (in the Western NY waters of Lake Erie) have been catching coho salmon. The NYDEC is unsure of their origin (possilbly a wild source and/or transients from Lake Huron since they have not been stocked in Lake Erie since 1997). Based on these catches, steelhead tributary anglers should expect some coho showing up this fall as well as lake-run brown trout (which are stocked by both the PA and NY fishery departments). The NYDEC also reports that some steelhead have already entered Cattaraugus Creek in August. No doubt a result of August's cool temperatures and run-off from a rainy month.
On November 6,
News around the Great Lakes and the Lake Erie Region
Great Lakes Restoration Initiative
The Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI) was funded $300 million by Congress this past August (for the 2015 fiscal year). This was less than the $475 million President Obama authorized in his inaugural 2010 budget, but greatly more than the paltry $60 initially budgeted.
The monies will go for cleaning up toxic pollution, address invasive species like Asian carp, restore fish and wildlife habitat and deter run-off from farms and cities. In the last 5 years more than $1.6 billion has been invested by the GLRI in more than 2,000 projects throughout the Great Lakes region.
The Healing Our Waters-Great Lakes Coalition has compiled a list of more than 100 GLRI funded efforts in the Great Lakes.
Sea Lamprey Control
The Lake Erie Cold Water Task Group Committee (MI, OH, PA,
NY and ON are all members) is continuing to implement the Integrated Management
Sea Lamprey (IMSL) program of the Great Lake Fishery Commission (GLFC). The
implementation involves selection of Lake Erie streams
for lampricide treatment (which is conducted by the US Fish & Wildlife
Service), performing alternative sea lamprey control methods and collecting sea
lamprey wounding data to evaluate and guide lamprey management in the future.
Sea lampreys are a parasitic/“invasive species” that can
consume up to 40 pounds of fish during its lifetime (see Great Lakes sea lamprey life cycle) The GLFC was formed in
1955 to access and control sea lampreys after severe impacts on Great
Lakes sport, commercial and aboriginal fisheries in the 1940’s and
Wounding rates collected by the New York Department of
Environmental Conservation (NYDEC) on lake trout (which has been a traditional
measure of sea lamprey population in Lake Erie ) showed a
high lamprey population in 2013. Other warm water sport fish showed high
wounding rates as well.
The Lake Erie steelhead fishery is
also being impacted by sea lampreys based on wounding numbers reported by Lake
Erie boat fisherman and surveys conducted by the Pennsylvania Fish
& Boat Commission (an informal 2011 Trout Run survey showed 18% of adult
steelhead had lamprey wounds with 2.8% fresh wounds).
Studies conducted over the past 3 years revealed that the
biggest source of Lake Erie ’s lamprey reproduction could
be the St Clair River and not the traditionally surveyed and treated Lake
Erie tributaries.
2014 lamprey control plans include lampricide treatment of
the headwaters of Big and Big Otter Creek (ON) and a proposed treatment of
upper Conneaut Creek in OH. Adult lamprey assessments are planned for Big Otter
Creek, Big Creek and Grand River (ON) and Cattaraugus Creeks (including Clear
Creek) in NY.
All sea lamprey retrieved in adult assessment traps will be
scanned for coded wire tags to determine whether tagged juveniles released in
the St. Clair River (in 2012) can migrate successfully through the
Huron-Erie-Corridor and survive in the eastern basin in Lake Erie.
A sea lamprey production potential study is scheduled for
the Grand River (ON). The study will focus on the production potential sea
lamprey above a critical barrier by surveying habitat and native lamprey
populations as a surrogate for Lake Erie sea lamprey.
Great Lakes Asian Carp
New congressional legislation proposed by US
Representative Candice Miller (Defending Against Aquatic Invasive Species Act 2014) will prevent the passage of harmful invasive species (such as Asian Carp)
between the Mississippi River basins and the Great Lakes
through the Chicago Area Waterway System (CAWS).
Since the 1990’s Asian Carp have been traveling up the Mississippi
River watershed, encroaching and damaging ecosystems. If Asian Carp take a foothold in the Great Lakes (Asian Carp DNA has already been found in Lake Michigan) it could
jeopardize a multi-billion dollar sport fishing and tourism industry.
The Bill dictates that the US Army Corps. of Engineers
(USACE) work with key partners in the region who have the authority to manage
water in the CAWS and also develop a specific engineering design (including deadlines
for implementation) to re-separate the naturally divided watersheds.
Earlier this year the USACE released a report to congress
outlining eight options to prevent invasive species from entering the Great
Lakes . The most expensive option would physically cut-off
Lake Michigan
from CAWS with a series of physical barriers. The plan would take 25 years to
complete but could have negative impacts on commercial cargo shipping.
Another option would take less time and money (10 years/$8
billion) and would rely chiefly on a new lock design, chemical treatments and
limited number of physical barriers.
Past efforts to deter the movement of Asian Carp (including
water cannons that create turbulence in the water, chemical toxins, hiring
commercial fisherman, electro-shocking and a series of electric barriers in the
Illinois River ) have failed to keep the fish at bay.
Update: A "pro-active" Asian carp field exercise was carried out by various Lake Erie fishery agencies (including the US Fish & Wildlife Service) this past September. The exercise, which was carried out on Lake Michigan at Sterling State Park and Bolles Harbor near Monroe, MI, was in effect a "mock" emergency field response to a possible future Asian carp invasion in the Great Lakes basin. See video for more details.
Update: A "pro-active" Asian carp field exercise was carried out by various Lake Erie fishery agencies (including the US Fish & Wildlife Service) this past September. The exercise, which was carried out on Lake Michigan at Sterling State Park and Bolles Harbor near Monroe, MI, was in effect a "mock" emergency field response to a possible future Asian carp invasion in the Great Lakes basin. See video for more details.
Steelhead, Brown Trout and Lake Trout
A total of 1,847,488 yearling
steelhead or smolts were stocked in 2013 by the fishery agencies of Lake Erie .
This represents a 4% increase from 2012 and a 2% increase from the long-term
The 2013 stocking numbers for
steelhead smolts into Lake Erie are as follows: Ohio (455,678/Manistee River Strain), Pennsylvania (1,072,410/Trout Run Strain), New York (260,000/Washington Strain) and Michigan (62,400/Manistee River Strain).
Stocking of spring yearlings took
place between
February and May with smolts
averaging about 181 mm in length (Range: 127 mm (NY) – 204 mm (MI)). It is to
be noted that no tagging and only limited fin clipping have been conducted on Lake Erie
steelhead since 1999.
Additionally, Pennsylvania stocked
185,000 surplus steelhead spring fingerlings (57mm), Ohio stocked 140,000 surplus fall fingerlings
(74mm), New York stocked 5,000 domesticated rainbow trout yearlings and Ontario
stocked 2,000 adult steelhead (Ganaraska River/Lake Ontario strain) into Mill
Creek and Lake Erie at Wheatley Harbor.
A total of 104,116 brown trout
yearlings were stocked into Lake
Erie and tributary streams by PA
and NY in 2013. These stockings were begun by NY in 2002 and PA in 2009. PA
yearlings were fin clipped (Presque Isle Bay/LV clip, nursery streams/RV clip
and sportsman’s club stockings/adipose clip) prior to stocking.
Finally, a total of 260,040 yearling lake trout were stocked intoLake Erie in 2013 by OH,
PA, NY and ON. This was the second highest annual stocking of lake trout since
initial stocking in 1982.
Finally, a total of 260,040 yearling lake trout were stocked into
(It is to be noted that lake trout
natural reproduction has not been documented in Lake Erie
despite more than 30 years of ‘restoration” stocking. Angler harvest of lake
trout in Lake Erie has been very low over the last decade in NY and PA,
although NY waters had an estimated catch of 1,805 in 2013 (highest since
1996). These catches were young laker’s with older fish (7 years and older)
scarce. According to the NYDEC, survival of adult lake trout is low due to high
sea lamprey predation).
In Ohio
The Ohio Central Basin Steelhead Association andCleveland
Metro Parks
is holding its annual Steelhead Expo on October
4, 2014 . The event is free and will be held at the Rocky
River Nature Center
from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM in North Olmsted , OH .
It will feature all day seminars by steelhead experts, local tackle shops and
vendors, fly tying, raffles and more.
Steelhead Expo
The Ohio Central Basin Steelhead Association and
Conneaut Creek Public Access
Funds from the State Wildlife Grant Program (administered
through the US Fish & Wildlife Service) enabled the Ohio Department of
Natural Resources (ODNR) to purchase a 70 acre section of land along Conneaut
Creek in Ashtabula County , OH .
Known as the “Creek Road Access” it will provide public
access for fishing and hunting. The area is bounded between Conneaut Creek, Creek
Road (from Creek Road
covered bridge east to Keefus Road ),
and Keefus Road (Keefus
Road north to the Keefus
Road Bridge ).
Harpersfield Dam Lamprey Barrier
The US Army Corps. of Engineers (USACE) will start the design phase
of the Grand River (OH) lamprey barrier as soon as
the Detailed Project Report is approved (sometime in late 2014) and the Project Partnership Agreement
is signed by all parties. The USACE is leaning toward constructing a lamprey barrier (and trap) integrated into the Harpersfield dam as opposed to further downstream of the dam (which would include removal of the old dam).
A USACE study has determined that the 100 year old Harpersfield Dam has promoted habitat degradation, altered sediment transport dynamics, and degraded water supply. It has also played a central role in the decline of migratory aquatic species, although sea lamprey prevention (which are at record levels right now) outweighs the negative impact the dam has on fish passage.
Construction target for this Great Lakes Fishery & Ecosystem Restoration Project (GLFER) is 2015.
OH Asian Carp
The ODNR Division of Wildlife and the US Fish & Wildlife
Service used electro fishing crews to search for Asian Carp in the Muskingum
River . The search was in response to water samples taken from the Muskingum
River which showed traces of Asian carp environmental DNA.
Crews this past June sampled 125 sites along the Muskingum
River as well as sections of the Tuscarawas and Walhounding rivers
finding no evidence of bighead or Asian silver carp (although some grass carp
were found).
The Army Corps. of Engineers has identified two direct water
connections to Lake Erie (in the headwaters of the Muskingum
River ) which are potential aquatic pathways between the
Mississippi/Ohio Rivers and the Lake Erie/Great Lakes basins. They include the
Little Killbuck Creek and Ohio-Erie Canal
Physical barriers at these connections prevent Asian carp
from entering the Lake Erie watershed during normal
water flows. Flood events though could facilitate Asian carp movement into the
watershed. Presently the ODNR is doing closure studies at both of these
If Asian carp are able to take a foothold in the Great
Lakes system, it could disrupt the Lakes’ 7.5 billion dollar
commercial and sport fishing economies as well as its ecological systems.
Pennsylvania Public Fishing Access
The Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission (PF&BC) recently used $30,000
of Lake Erie license stamp permit funds from the Lake
Erie Access Improvement Program (LEAIP) to purchase 1.7 acres of stream
frontage along Twelve Mile Creek in Erie
County .
The property is located immediately south of Route 5 on both
sides of Twelve Mile Creek and is accessed along Mooreheadville
Road near Northeast, PA. Harborcreek
Township presently owns all the
property north of Route 5 to the lake and provides public access for fishing
and recreation.
The PF&BC also approved acquisition of a public fishing
easement on the East Branch of Conneaut Creek in Albion Borough, PA. It will
provide approximately 6,295 linear feet along the creek as well as easements
for parking and a footpath.
To date, the very successful LEAIP program (which began in
2004) has acquired 11 properties and 21 easements in Erie County, PA that
provide public fishing access to approximately 17.47 miles of PA Lake Erie
tributary streams.
LEAIP also funded 9 development projects that have improved
public fishing access and fishing along the Lake Erie
shoreline and PA’s Lake Erie tributaries. These include
installation of fish passage structures on 4 Mile Creek, stream bank
stabilization and parking area improvements on Elk Creek, construction of rest
rooms on Walnut Creek and building
the Liberty Park Fishing Pier in Presque
Isle Bay .
Funding for LEAIP has totaled $6,420,749 ($148,230 of that
amount was sourced from the elimination/compensation of Lake Erie
commercial gill netting operations).
The PF&BC’s Lake Erie Fishing Access Map shows all
public fishing access areas for both the Lake Erie
shoreline and also the Pennsylvania
steelhead tributaries of Lake Erie . The map includes
many of the public fishing easements and land acquisitions acquired through the
LEAIP program on the Lake Erie tributaries. Steelheaders
should be aware that some of these access areas can be accessed via the
waterway only and do not allow crossing adjoining private properties without
landowner permission.
Steelheader’s can view a printable pdf version of the map
An interactive version is available at:
A new Pennsylvania House Bill (#2357) introduced by Rep. Dan Moul would
force private landowners (whose property adjoins a PA Lake Erie tributary
stream) to allow public fishing access to their section of the stream. Access
would be up to the high water marks (at least by wading).
A new Pennsylvania House Bill (#2357) introduced by Rep. Dan Moul would
force private landowners (whose property adjoins a PA Lake Erie tributary
stream) to allow public fishing access to their section of the stream. Access
would be up to the high water marks (at least by wading).
The bill was in response to landowners who are posting their property to public steelhead fishing (which was paid for by PA fishing licenses) and then leasing it to individuals or groups for private fishing.
House Bill #2357 has been referred to the PA House of Representatives Game and Fisheries Committee which will reconvene in September 2014.
PA Smolt Emigration Study
During the spring of 2013 the Lake Erie
unit of the PF&BC conducted a pilot study of steelhead smolt emigration on
Godfrey Run. Godfrey Run is a nursery stream used for the collection of feral
brood stock for the state’s steelhead hatchery program and also is stocked
every spring with steelhead yearlings by the PF&BC (approximately 18,500 on
March 12, 2013 ).
(It is to be noted that yearling
steelhead typically begin to “smolt” at sizes greater than 160mm. Ideally you
want the majority of stocked steelhead yearlings to be of smolt stage which not
only enables them to have high survival and return rates but also to chemically
“imprint” to the planted tributary stream).
Using a trap situated in a weir (70 meters upstream of the
mouth) a total of 2,216 emigrating smolt counts were made including 1,345
measured from March 13 to May 3. Daily water discharge data and water
temperatures were also taken.
The study concluded that emigration seems to be influenced
by water discharge and temperature. Average stream residency time for smolts
stocked in Godfrey run was 26 days with larger smolts emigrating sooner than
smaller smolts. A small number of very large smolts (>250 mm) that were
collected were likely escapees from a cooperative sportsmen’s hatchery located
at the headwaters of Godfrey Run, but they could also be hold-over or wild
Data collected could be vital to compare volitional (decision based) versus
flow induced emigration (although emigration in the study could not be
quantified when discharge was high).
PA Brown Trout
Presently, the PF&BC receives certified disease-free brown
trout eggs from the NYDEC for its Lake Erie brown trout
fishery (specific yearly stocking data is listed above in Great
Lakes and Lake Erie Region). This is problematic since the NYDEC
eggs are not a reliable, long-term source for eggs and the PF&BC does not
have an isolated facility for raising brown trout fingerlings on its own.
To address the issue, the PF&BC has set two goals to
reach by 2014. First, to develop an in-house source of disease free brown trout
eggs from captured feral (wild) brood stock. Second, to establish an isolated rearing facility
capable of raising 75,000 brown trout yearlings for Lake Erie
stocking (which adheres to the Great Lakes Fish Disease Control Policy).
As noted earlier, PF&BC brown trout yearlings are fin clipped prior to stocking. This allows the PF&BC to evaluate brown trout survival rates and future stocking strategies. So far, PF&BC surveys at Trout Run nursery waters have revealed a 3 to 1 return rate of sportsman's club origin adult brown trout versus PF&BC raised browns. Undoubtedly this marked difference is due to the initial yearling size when stocked. Sportsman's club yearlings are bigger due to a later stocking time (fall) versus the PF&BC yearlings which are smaller due less time at the hatchery (for growth) and a earlier stocking (spring).
For more information on Lake Erie's brown trout fishery please refer to John Nagy's article: Steelhead Alley Browns
As noted earlier, PF&BC brown trout yearlings are fin clipped prior to stocking. This allows the PF&BC to evaluate brown trout survival rates and future stocking strategies. So far, PF&BC surveys at Trout Run nursery waters have revealed a 3 to 1 return rate of sportsman's club origin adult brown trout versus PF&BC raised browns. Undoubtedly this marked difference is due to the initial yearling size when stocked. Sportsman's club yearlings are bigger due to a later stocking time (fall) versus the PF&BC yearlings which are smaller due less time at the hatchery (for growth) and a earlier stocking (spring).
For more information on Lake Erie's brown trout fishery please refer to John Nagy's article: Steelhead Alley Browns
In New York
Cattaraugus Creek Dam Proposal
on an ongoing feasibility study, the US Army Corps. of Engineers (USACE) has
proposed lowering the deteriorating, 92 year old Scoby Dam on Cattaraugus Creek
in Springville , NY
(from a height of 38 feet to 10 feet) and installing a 15 foot wide fish ramp
to facilitate fish passage above the dam.
This modification would further develop the wild steelhead
fishery on the Cat (there is ideal habitat for natural reproduction above the
dam) and also open up 34 miles of existing NY State Public Fishing Rights land
easements above the dam to steelhead fishing.
The lowered dam (which is spillway type design) will still
block the movement of sea lampreys to the upper waters. A sea lamprey trap (and sort) integrated into the fish ramp, will also prevent lamprey movement above the dam.
If the USACE proposal is approved, the project could be
completed by the end of 2016. Funding for the project is estimated to be around
$6.6 million with 65% of the costs to be picked up by the federal government
(through the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Program) with the balance from
the NYDEC and Erie County , NY . (It is to be noted that due to the poor condition of the dam it is out of safety compliance and alterations will have to be made to bring it back into compliance).
Chautauqua Creek Fish Passsage Repairs
The Chautauqua County Soil and Water Conservation District was awarded a grant to repair and improve the fish passage project dams on Chautauqua Creek in NY. The project is slated for construction in 2015 with completion by the fall 2015 steelhead season. There are also plans in the works to improve fish passage at the railroad trestle on the creek.
Major flooding in 2013, from super storm Sandy (Ocotber) and a winter rain/snow-melt flooding event (February), caused the upper dam rock ramp to fail with the debris washing downstream plugging the lower dam (preventing fish passage). An access road to the dam projects was also taken out by the floods.
NY Smolt Emigration StudyMajor flooding in 2013, from super storm Sandy (Ocotber) and a winter rain/snow-melt flooding event (February), caused the upper dam rock ramp to fail with the debris washing downstream plugging the lower dam (preventing fish passage). An access road to the dam projects was also taken out by the floods.
The Lake Erie Unit of the New York Department of Environmental Conservation (NYDEC) did a pilot study in the spring of 2013 to
determine emigration patterns of steelhead smolts in Canadaway and Chautauqua
Creeks (two western NY Lake Erie tributary streams). The study also assessed
whether predation on newly stocked steelhead smolts was detectable in predator
The study showed that a large percentage of stocked steelhead
smolts did not emigrate to Lake Erie . A possible theory
for this anomaly is that the NYDEC stocks the smallest yearling size in Lake
Erie (NY’s is 127 mm while MI’s is 204 mm). The small size is due to a marginal water in-flow (cold temperature and low volume) at the Salmon River Hatchery in Pulaski, NY which has the effect of limiting steelhead yearling growth rates.
Plans are presently underway at the hatchery to improve water quality and hopefully increase yearling size more comparable to PA and OH yearling sizes.
Plans are presently underway at the hatchery to improve water quality and hopefully increase yearling size more comparable to PA and OH yearling sizes.
According the NYDEC’s “length frequency distribution” data
of stocked steelhead yearlings in 2013 only 13.4% were larger than 150 mm.
Applying the Pacific coast and Michigan
coast study results to NY’s yearlings means only 13% will smolt and emigrant
out with 87% remaining in the stream with little chance of survival.
(An eye opening 2009/2010 steelhead otolith microchemistry
study by Bowling Green University
in Canadaway and Chautauqua Creeks found that only 18% of returning adult
steelhead were of NY stocking origin. Many of the sampled fish came from PA and
OH. Possible reasons included insufficient steelhead smolt “imprinting”
practices by PA and OH fishery departments, poor post-stocking survival of NY
stocked steelhead yearlings as well as other biotic and abiotic factors that
would encourage “straying” adult steelhead to preferentially return to these
The NYDEC pilot study was not able to show any predation on
steelhead smolts (including the near shore areas) following stocking and smolt
emigration to the lake (which the study showed did not occur all at once but
gradually). Diet analysis showed walleye were not actively feeding at this time
and smallmouth bass were targeting crayfish and round gobies.
The NYDEC feels the results of this study show the need for further research including: tagged steelhead by size groups to give data on smolting and adult returns and an evaluation of smolt out-migration based on stocking location (PA and OH stock closer to the mouth versus NY which has traditionally stocked upstream.) This research would be very helpful for future NYDEC steelhead stocking management practices on NY's Lake Erie tributaries.
(*The Lake Erie Cold Water Task Group Report, 2014 NYDEC Lake Erie Annual Report and the PF&BC Strategic Plan for Management of Trout Fisheries In PA 2010-2014 were referenced for the 2014 Fall Steelhead Report and News)
The NYDEC feels the results of this study show the need for further research including: tagged steelhead by size groups to give data on smolting and adult returns and an evaluation of smolt out-migration based on stocking location (PA and OH stock closer to the mouth versus NY which has traditionally stocked upstream.) This research would be very helpful for future NYDEC steelhead stocking management practices on NY's Lake Erie tributaries.
(*The Lake Erie Cold Water Task Group Report, 2014 NYDEC Lake Erie Annual Report and the PF&BC Strategic Plan for Management of Trout Fisheries In PA 2010-2014 were referenced for the 2014 Fall Steelhead Report and News)
More detailed information on fly fishing for Great Lakes steelhead can be found in John Nagy's classic book "Steelhead Guide, Fly Fishing Techniques and Strategies for Lake Erie Steelhead." John Nagy's "Steelheader's Journal" makes a great companion book to the Steelhead Guide for Steelheader's looking to keep track of their steelhead trips on the steelhead tributaries. Please go to the sidebar for ordering information for these books.
Look for John Nagy's upcoming feature article titled: "Think like a Steelhead to Find (and Catch) more Steelhead" in the October 2014 issue of Mid Atlantic Fly Fishing Guide (available for free in many fly shops).